Reconnect and Realign with Your Authentic Self

Online Therapy for Adults in Ohio

Have you ever felt disconnected from yourself? Do you feel like you have lost the meaning and purpose in your life? Do you feel overwhelmed by stress and anxiety?

As you entered adulthood, the pressures of life began piling on you. This might have caused you to lose your sense of self. Questions like “who am I?” and “What is this life all about?” creep into your mind, leaving you feeling lost, unmotivated, and purposeless.

Does this sound like you?

If so, you are not alone. Many people are in the same boat as you, but you have a choice. Where will you go from here?

Hi, I’m Sonseray, and I’m here to help.

As a Licensed Independent Social Worker, I help people like you overcome these feelings of hopelessness and worry to journey into a life of fulfillment. 

I am committed to seeing you restored.  A restored version of you might look like being free from constant fear, anxiety, and worry. For others, a restored version of you might look like finally healing from past hurts and stepping into a purpose-driven life. But, regardless of your situation, you will discover what it means to be genuinely and wholeheartedly you.

As your Ohio therapist, I will listen carefully and compassionately.  I will provide you with a space to breathe and let your guard down. I will walk with you as you reconnect with yourself and redefine your life’s vision. 

It is going to be a beautiful journey. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your story.


Call: 330-541-7450

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