How to Regulate Your Emotions with Mindfulness
Life has been beyond challenging for most of us the last couple of years as we’ve dealt with a global pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. And just when we thought we were all out of the woods and life was back to normal, we now face sky-high inflation and a recession. These events can trigger intense emotions in us.
We never want to deny our emotions entirely. Feeling them is how we process the events of our lives. But there comes the point where we need to figure out how to move through the emotions and safely get to the other side. One of the most effective ways to do this is through mindfulness.
What is Mindfulness & How Can It Help?
Mindfulness is a simple, non-judgmental awareness of the present moment. It is a powerful way to connect with our bodies and emotions but in a higher state of awareness.
Mindfulness helps us regulate our emotions by putting us in a calm and relaxed state of presence. From here, we can have a more mature and sensible point of view of the events in our lives.
Second, mindfulness can help us develop skills that promote emotional maturity and self-regulation when practiced regularly. These skills include self-awareness and attentional control.
And finally, mindfulness can increase the time between trigger and response. In this way, mindfulness acts like an advanced warning system, alerting us to a potentially ugly scene and giving us time to engage in emotional self-monitoring. This allows us to choose our emotional response very, very carefully.
Getting Started with Mindfulness
There are many online resources for getting started with a mindfulness meditation practice. Spend time searching Google and exploring Youtube for helpful sites and videos.
If you want to work privately with someone to regulate your emotions, please get in touch with me. I use mindfulness in my practice with clients and would happily answer any questions you may have.